Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline. It is spiritual as well as physical and incorporates breathing methods, exercise, and meditation into its practice. It aids in the improvement of one's health and happiness. Regular yoga practice appears to be good for individuals with aches and pains, high blood pressure and heart disease. This includes lower back discomfort, stress and depression.
Regularly practicing yoga and incorporating into your daily mindfulness practice will help to calm your mind, feel balanced, and have enough energy to start my day. If you're a beginner, here are our go to yoga poses.
BRIDGE POSE(Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) The bridge pose stretches your spine and creates flexibility all the way up and down it.
DOWNWARD FACING DOG(Adho Mukha Svanasana) Stretches your hamstrings, calves, arms and back while strengthening your arms, legs, and abs.
CHILDS POSE(Balasana) This position is beneficial for stress relief and mental relaxation, as well as extending the back, calves and ankles.
COBRA POSE(Bhujangasana) Is a popular backbend that stretches the spine, opens up the chest and lungs and strengthens the buttocks.
CHAIR POSE (Utkatasana) Tones the leg muscles and targets calves and ankles.
TREE POSE(Vrksasana) The tree pose is a simple one that encourages stability.
CORPSE POSE(Savasana) The corpse yoga pose can help you rejuvenate by lowering your blood pressure and calming your mind.
WARRIOR(Virabhadrasana I) Helps you to concentrate on softly inhaling and exhaling while giving your body and mind the relaxation it needs.
EASY POSE(Sukhasana) It helps straighten your alignment in your back. It also opens the hips and outer muscles.
PIGEON POSE(Kapotasana) Stretches your thighs, groin, and back while acting as a hip opener.