10 Self-Discovery Questions For Personal Growth

TOOLS: Pen, Notebook or Journal

Asking the correct self-discovery questions can help you discover who you really are, confront false self-perceptions, and obtain clarity on what you really want out of life.

Our early childhood experiences have heavily influenced us, so much so that we behave without evaluating if our unconscious routines provide a lasting sense of enjoyment. Thoughtful questioning can break these habits, lead to deeper understanding, and result in positive change. Your answers to these questions may change as you journey through life, allowing your soul to evolve and transform. You can heal any patterned emotional stances that are affecting you. But you need to know them first, and that's how self-discovery questions can help.
As you explore the questions, you may discover that you only need one or two from this list to make a significant change in your life, or you may decide to use more over time.

Whatever emotions arise, recognise that they are temporary and will pass. As best you can, just let them be. Just keep in mind that if you push yourself too hard, you may end up feeling overwhelmed or lost in a mental maze.

Close your eyes and find a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body. Without overthinking it, jot down your responses in a notebook or journal, writing down whatever comes to mind. Whatever you write down is not definite. It is always possible to change it.


1. When was the last time I forgave myself?

2. What does love mean to me?

3. What's keeping me awake at night?

4. What drains my energy and how can I remove it from my life or protect myself from its negative effect?

5. What about my childhood affects me to this day?

6. What makes me happy, no matter what?

7. Do I feel comfortable expressing myself?

8. Which values do I live by?

9. Which three words describe me best?

10. Do I allow myself to be vulnerable in my romantic relationships?

AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS: Do keep hydrated with water, get plenty of rest and indulge in self-care, and as you allow yourself to release what no longer serves you and don't lose sight of all your positive qualities and the ways you've already changed.

DISCLAIMER: The advice given may not be suitable for every situation and should never be used in place of that of a medical professional. The advice has been shared with the understanding that NUSOUL is not held responsible for the outcome. 

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