Energy Cord Removal
The state of our relationships has an impact on our emotions and overall well-being, owing to the fact that the brain cannot distinguish between physical and mental stresses. According to mind-body medicine, our interpersonal relationships can be stressful, trapping us in restrictive patterns caused by conscious or unconscious subtle-level dynamics. But what if it was possible to disconnect, freeing up your attention to focus on your progress and goals instead? A energy cord removal can help accomplish this.
Cord cutting is a healing practice that helps you "unhook" from depleting or harmful emotional dynamics, allowing you to break free from relational habits that waste mental energy. It is vital to stress that cord cutting does not aim to break good emotional relationships with loved ones; rather, it removes emotional barriers that are consciously and unconsciously limiting you.
What is an energy cord
To begin, cord attachments, also known as ties or simply cords, are energetic attachments that connect into your energy from another person, situation or event. While there are healthy cords, there are also negative cords that can influence your decisions, emotions, and thoughts, depending on how the cord is connected to your energy.
Typically, the quality and apparent location of the cords will reflect the type of connection you have or had. People who are in love will have cords connecting their heart chakras. If you have a sexual relationship, the lower chakras will be connected. Emotional connections tend to be in the second chakra as well.
Cords can reflect the nature of our relationships in other ways, too. If you had ever felt unheard in a relationship, for example, your throat chakra would be affected.
Once energy cords are removed, it reduces the likelihood that we’ll repeat the same mistakes in our current relationships that we made in the past.
When should I get a cord removal
Energy cords typically cause a strong draw toward addictions and addictive behaviours, as well as toxic sexuality, toxic individuals, or self-destructive behaviour. Times to do a cord removal (after the following events):
- Bereavement
- Divorce
- Family who are toxic (very negative)
- Death
- Break-up
- Physical or Emotional Trauma
- Sickness
-Vehicle Accident
- Other type of accident
- Fight or disagreement
- Surgery
- Challenging time in your life
- Legal endeavour that has finally come to a close etc…
Signs of an unhealthy cord
- Energy levels are depleted
- Feelings of general leathery, depression, unexplained sadness
- Feelings of being ‘stuck’ or unable to make decision
- Obsessive thoughts about another person
- Speaking often about another person, often in a judgmental or deprecating way
- Lowered immune function, getting sick often
- Unhealthy habits and addictive behaviours, seeking comfort in excess such as smoking, binge eating, drinking, drugs and even seemingly healthy habits such as over-exercising
How long does it take for a cord removal to work
It's important to understand that candle rituals are an study. The duration of the rituals intention is determined by your particular energy, with a normal period of up to 7 days for the energy to begin to shift.
Please be patient, as the outcomes may differ, some may experience immediate shifts, others may notice more gradual changes.
What do I need to do for the cord removal to work
All that is required of you is to trust the process and to be accepting and open to receiving the energies; any negative thoughts can block the ritual. Keep your vibrations high and your energy positive. Always set clear intentions before any ritual; you may find affirmations or a mantra to recite helpful.
Remember to keep your focus on changing your own energy, not the other person’s.
How can I expect to feel after the cord removal
You might also experience a surge in energy. The energy will no longer cling to you and you will no longer feel drained or burdened by past energy. This increased vitality indicates you're successfully severing the negative ties depleting your energy reserves.
Another common indication that the cord removal ritual is working is a reduced emotional reaction to thoughts about a specific person or situation.
The key benefits of a cord removal
Achieving closure from past relationships: The act of cord cutting can provide a sense of finality and closure to past relationships that may still be causing emotional distress.
Healing emotional wounds: By severing the energetic cords tied to painful memories or experiences, the ritual can facilitate healing and recovery from those emotional wounds.
Freeing up energy for personal development: Energetic cords can drain energy. By cutting them, you free up this energy to be used for your personal growth and development.
Promoting emotional growth: The practice of cord cutting provides a symbolic act of releasing past resentment, regret, or bitterness — enabling you to let go of any emotional baggage and better respond to future emotional experiences.
Facilitating a shift towards positivity: By severing ties with past negative experiences, you can welcome an energetic shift, paving the way for positivity and growth in your life.